I LOVE the time change!!! This is what I look forward to every year; suddenly instead of constantly being late and in a hurry I am on time and even early to things. Also, night time starts earlier and that is my preferred time to be awake and do stuff (until 3am or so, don't even try me unless I can't sleep or something)
Of course I went out Saturday night- the extra long have another hour of fun night! Dressed up in my Devil gear, complete with killer high heels and snake necklace, I was smouldering if I must say so myself. Even joined the costume contest, but it was the kind where you have to stand in a line-up while everyone claps, then there are two more rounds while it gets whitteled down. Did I have the patience for all that? No! So, when I was told I made it to the next round I passed. Party night is for having fun, not standing around like some damn beauty contestant.
Pictures of the outfit will be posted, but right now critical components of it are soaking in cold water and woolite in an effort to get all of the horrid smoke smell out of them. Soo, was there flirting- some, mostly lots of fun and slightly tipsy drama.