It's Thursday, the day I was looking forward to so I could shop. Shopping happened, but not as planned. See, I'm invited to a wedding. I have nothing against people who want to get married, I do think it is an extremely misogynist tradition that dates back to the trade of women as if we are cattle, but never wanted to be married. Now I know why people do it. It isn't because the woman wants 'her day of non-stop attention" or so the groom will be more likely to get promoted. OK, it totally is, but it is also because of PRESENTS!
When can adults request their very own, to order, Xmas and birthday all in one? On their wedding day. This is inherently unfair to those of us who decide marriage isn't for them, but sometimes you still have to go to the wedding. So, what to do? Well, today, while perusing the bride's request list (registry) at Frederick's I decided that every dollar spent on someone else's request should at least be matched by one spent on myself for completely guilty pleasure.
So, one bra and panty for the bride, one corset and fabulous long robe for me!