Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ahh Deacon, such a romantic! I agree with you, unfortunately some couples are a bit more mercenary about things like gifts, etc. Would you prefer a white corset? I lean towards the jewel colors myself, but the innocence of white plus the wickedness of the shape enclosed would be an interesting juxtaposition.

I want to thank my UK friend for starting off my month with such an interesting call- and I must hear what you ultimately decide to do. That will depend on which head you listen to. Tomorrow I am joining a gym, I can't wait- that kind of thing is fun for me, weird I know. There is something so liberating about being sweaty and breathing heavily in a rather public place that I like, but if the 'trainer' they will inevitably push on me for my first visit thinks he or she is going to weigh me in front of everyone, no way! I'm 133 and sticking to it ;)

1 comment:

Deacon Barry said...

I don't think I'd fit into a corset, white or any other colour.