Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cat news first- the vet thinks it is her cat's liver, but is still unsure of the problem even after studying the test results. She wants to get a second opinion; I don't think that will help as her vet specializes in cats and has been at it a long time. That is not the kind of thing she will want to hear, and I don't know what to do or say. It's so hard to be supportive when one thinks their friend is bent on doing something that may be ultimately self-destructive, in this case spending a lot of (needed) money on a potentially lost cause.

On a lighter note, as they say on the Today show- the workouts are going well. It's only been a week and I can already see more definition in my leg muscles. That's most likely due to less fat collected there then other body parts, but hey it's awesome to see anything happening this quickly! My theory is that going to the gym has been preventing me from shopping as much as usual- when my clothes start loosening up that will change drastically I imagine. So, better legs and less debt- so far so good!

1 comment:

Juicy Jackie said...

I just got some new clothes to work out in- couldn't help it! Just because you are a plus sized gal doesn't mean you can't be sexy at the gym! Good vibes to your friend, and you, for being there for her! Catch you later!